Opportunity: Catalytic funding by the Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation Fund

Opportunity: Catalytic funding by the Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation Fund

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Story detail:
Date: 10th July 2023
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News

The Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Fund supports catalytic, innovative and inclusive projects that aim to create an enabling environment for implementing EbA to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems to climate change impacts. The Global EbA Fund has announced the thematic track for its 6th cohort.

Indigenous Peoples (IP), local communities, and women have the potential to lead global EbA efforts. Their extensive knowledge of local contexts contributes valuable insights to culturally appropriate and localised EbA initiatives, ensuring ecosystem resilience and community well-being. However, despite their recognised significance in shaping adaptation strategies, there is limited support for indigenous and traditional knowledge-driven EbA projects due to the dominance of national and international actors in adaptation planning and funding.

Fund focus

The Global EbA Fund has announced the thematic track for the 6th cohort of the fund ​​– Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge in Ecosystem-based Adaptation. This thematic call aims to adopt an integrated approach whereby indigenous knowledge is linked with science, data and socioeconomic development to ensure the projects are catalytic and innovative.

How can you apply?

To apply, please visit the general or thematic funding tracks webpage. The application process is the same for both general and thematic tracks. Applicants are invited to indicate the track relevant to their proposal in their application. 

The deadline for applications is 15 September 2023.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to go through the grants procedures manual before applying and consult specific considerations for the thematic track here. An eligibility checklist available on the Global EbA Fund what we fund page aims to give applicants an overview of the main eligibility considerations applied by the Fund.

For more information on applying and the new theme, register for one of our upcoming 'Get to know the Global EbA Fund' webinars on 12 July at 11:00 Paris / 16:00 Bangkok and at 09:00 Bogota / 17:00 Nairobi.

Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation Fund_Graphic
Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation Fund webinars

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