Making informed decisions to prepare for extreme weather events

Making informed decisions to prepare for extreme weather events

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Resource detail:
Author: CDKN Global
Countries: Ethiopia, India, Kenya
Tags: attribution science, climate science, disaster risk reduction, drought, disaster risk reduction, extreme weather events, floods, resilience, vulnerability

Raising Risk Awareness (RRA) brings together scientists, vulnerability experts and knowledge brokers to assess the role of climate change in extreme weather events in Ethiopia, Kenya, India and Bangladesh to help prepare for future ones.

Attribution analyses allow scientists to make quantitative statements about whether climate change has altered the risk of extreme weather events occurring. These analyses help decision makers and the public to prioritise adaptation solutions and reduce vulnerability.

Climate scientists conduct independent assessments using multiple peer-reviewed approaches of extreme event attribution methodologies, including statistical analyses of the historical precipitation record, the trend in global climate models, and the results of thousands of simulations of possible weather with a regional climate model. Social scientists examine the underlying exposure and vulnerability within the social, economic and political context of the event.

This information will help stakeholders prepare for the risk of future climate change-driven extreme events and ensure that communities, organisations and systems are resilient.

Download the presentation to find out more about the process of attribution science and the Raising Risk Awareness initiative.

Or, go to the initiative's microsite.

Image credit: Bünyamin Aygun/Milfoto/Flickr

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