Factsheet: Unscrambling climate and weather information

Factsheet: Unscrambling climate and weather information

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Resource detail:
Author: CDKN Global
Organisation: BRACED
Tags: decision-making under uncertainty, disaster risk management, drought, extreme weather events, floods

This factsheet, from Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) provides tips for integrating climate and weather information into development projects.

Climate and weather are key factors in the livelihoods and health of the most vulnerable people. However, it is difficult to navigate the climate and weather landscape, where there is often a mismatch between the time and spatial scales of information available, and what is needed for decision-making. Other complicating factors include lead time and uncertainty.

In many parts of the world the biggest climate shocks are related to year-to-year differences and periodic swings of five to 15 years. Looking at the historical data helps us understand what is happening now and also put long-term changes in context. It also provides a baseline for talking to communities that have likely observed these changes in the natural world.

Download the factsheet here: Unscrambling climate and weather information

Image credit: CSIRO

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