Support to the High Ambition Coalition and the Republic of the Marshall Islands

Support to the High Ambition Coalition and the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Countries: Asia, Marshall Islands
Tags: mitigation, climate resilience

This project provided support to the High Ambition Coalition to maintain political momentum in the lead up to COP21 and the 2015 Paris Agreement.  It offered a space for progressive developed and developing countries to work together towards ambitious climate action.

The High Ambition Coalition is an international coalition of countries committed to driving tough climate change policies. Minister Zackhras and Ambassador de Brum from the Republic of the Marshall Islands have provided leadership for the High Ambition Coalition, making it an important forum for driving climate ambition and action to address the needs of the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries.

The project also provided light-touch strategic advice to the new domestic Republic of the Marshall Islands leadership to ensure its messaging was aligned with that of the High Ambition Coalition and maintained the country’s significant influence in international climate negotiations and climate diplomacy.

The Negotiations Support Outlook, which features the High Ambition Coalition as a case study, can be found here.

Similar work has also been undertaken under codes ADGL-0003 and BEIS-0006.

Contract value for the period May - December 2016: £151,471