Project : Climate vulnerability of the health sector in Quito - Making technical data accessible to policy makers

Project : Climate vulnerability of the health sector in Quito - Making technical data accessible to policy makers

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Tags: mitigation, health, infectious diseases, vulnerability

Through its Quito Climate Change Strategy (known in Spanish by its acronym EQCC), the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ) initiated a planning process to build resilience to climate change that focuses on mitigation and adaptation. Health, ecosystems and biodiversity are some of the strategic sectors identified as priorities in the strategy in assessing how they interact with climate change. However, the lack of data and systematic research in certain areas makes it difficult to develop strategies for the short term (next five years) and long term to cope with vector-borne diseases.

The purpose of this project was to provide policy-relevant data and to build the capacity of local authorities in five key tropical diseases:  Leishmaniasis, Chagas, Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunya. It assessed the socio-economic, climate and land use factors that influence disease transmission in four rural parishes: Nanegal, Nanegalito, Pacto and Gualea in the North West of Quito. Both the processes through which the work was undertaken, as well as the outcomes (GIS maps, project reports, etc.) incorporated stakeholder consultation to ensure that the project and its outcomes produced information that supported the Quito Climate Change Strategy and the parish-level development plans.

Project funding: £100,791

Partner: Health and Environmental Secretary of the Municipality of the Quito metropolitan District

Supplier: Centro de Trasferencia de Tecnologías, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (CTT-USFQ)