Private sector engagement on disaster risk management and climate change adaptation

Private sector engagement on disaster risk management and climate change adaptation

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Story detail:
Date: 21st December 2012
Author: CDKN Global
Type: Feature
Organisation: UNDP
Countries: Africa, Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, Senegal

Overview of the project

UK and UNDP launched the Political Champions for Disaster Resilience Group in 2012 to apply greater political focus and investment in disaster resilience. The Group has ministerial-level representation from member states (Bangladesh, Japan, Mozambique, Sweden, UAE and US), regional organisations (CARICOM and EU), multilaterals (OCHA and World Bank) and the private sector (Willis Re).

The Group is currently pursuing three broad workstreams:

  • Building regional resilience, which focuses particularly on the Horn of Africa and the Sahel;
  • Promoting disaster resilience in specific countries; and,
  • Integrating disaster resilience in donor humanitarian and development investments.

Within the second workstream, the Group has put forward a proposal to stimulate private sector engagement in disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation. This work has two parts. The first is aimed at removing the constraints and helping the private sector seize opportunities for investing in disaster resilience and climate change adaptation. The second concerns the sharing of experience on private sector partnerships and innovation.

A partnership with CDKN has been established to take forward the second part of this body of work. CDKN is therefore seeking a supplier for a project which will (a) investigate public-private sector partnerships and innovations around disaster resilience, (b) improve understanding of the private sector’s role in building disaster resilience and (c) share results and experiences through digital media. The project will involve a review of existing private sector engagements on disaster resilience and what role public support plays in promoting innovation.  The interim findings of the study will be available for the next Political Champions meeting, in April 2013.

Please see the attached ITT for further information.

Invitation to tender

Expenses Policy

Terms and Conditions

Non Disclosure Agreement

Timelines and budget

Suppliers should expect a budget ranging of up to £55,000 exclusive of VAT and all applicable taxes. However, please indicate any VAT or taxes in your proposed budget. Projects should last 6 months and be able to start in late January 2013.

Instructions for interested parties

Step 1 – Please email notifying us of your interest for this project. Please include the name of your organisation and the lead contact.

Step 2 – Please download the ITT and additional documentation above. Once completed please email all required documentation (including scanned NDA) to

Please note the deadline for completed ITTs is 17.00 UK time on Wednesday 16th January 2013.

Read the answers to clarification questions submitted before the deadline of 9 January 2013 17:00 (GMT).



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