Launch of expanded users’ guide to climate planning

Launch of expanded users’ guide to climate planning

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Date: 18th July 2013
Author: CDKN Global
Type: News

CDKN’s users' guide to climate compatible development planning now covers more climate planning tools and is re-launched this week on

This interactive website, which helps planners and decision-makers to choose the most suitable planning tools for them, was initially launched in late 2011 with information on more than 30 popular tools. Following this week's launch of the expanded guide, the website now provides a detailed overview of more than 40 tools relevant to climate planning. A new section presents case studies of how different tools have been used in practice.

Ecofys and the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex (IDS), who prepared the guide for CDKN, based it on the most commonly-used tools, as identified by developing country respondents in a wide survey.

The guide allows users to enter different search criteria on a dashboard. On a clickable 'policy wheel', users can show whether they are just getting started with planning, or are ready for delivery or evaluation. They can select whether they are relatively more interested in climate adaptation or mitigation, or both, and enter other search criteria, such as language and budget.

The guide generates top recommended tools, and provides factsheets with detailed information about each one, including how to contact the developers and access the tools.  Alternatively, users can browse all the factsheets on the site.

The following new case studies document users’ experiences with selected tools:

RETScreen in Brazil: a success story of private sector engagement 
Presents how RETScreen has enabled the private sector in Brazil to undertake detailed assessments on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Supporting the identification and prioritisation of technologies
Describes how the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) process supported climate planning in Montenegro.

Supporting discussions with stakeholder and improving policy dialogue
Explores how the Community-based Risk Screening Tool - Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL) has been applied in Peru and Uganda.

Raising awareness and supporting resilience building
Documents how the Climate change and Environmental Degradation Risk and adaptation Assessment (CEDRA) tool has supported development programmes to become more climate resilient in Malawi, Bangladesh and India.

Please visit to explore the whole guide.

Contact us with your feedback at

 Image courtesy Shutterstock.

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