Supporting a science-negotiations interface to the African Board members of the GCF

Supporting a science-negotiations interface to the African Board members of the GCF

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Country: Africa
Tags: adaptation, climate negotiations, climate resilience, climate negotiations

This project provided strategic guidance and coordination support to help to ensure the Africa Group of Negotiators' (AGN) effective and influential participation in the UNFCCC process. 

Through this project, CDKN’s Negotiations Support sought to provide strategic guidance, technical assistance and coordination support to help to ensure the AGN’s effective and influential participation in the UNFCCC process. This included supporting access to information and research outcomes of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in order to ensure these outcomes are integrated into the AGN’s decision making processes. The project also provided technical support to the African board Members of the Green Climate fund (GCF) in preparing GCF Board meetings to ensure that the interests of African countries are represented in decisions undertaken by the Board of the GCF.

The AGN is an alliance of African Member States. It represents the region in the international climate change negotiations with a common and unified voice. The AGN often faces significant barriers to effective participation in the climate change negotiations. This is in part due to a lack of strategic and technical assistance on complex negotiating issues that is tailored to the interests and priorities of Africa. As a result, it is important to enhance the ability of African countries to constructively contribute and influence the UNFCCC process, in the interest of ensuring fair and equitable climate change agreements that support Africa’s interests.

Contract value for the period June-December 2016: £ 32,250

Project supplier: Samah El-Bakri

This project has been continued under code BEIS-0007

Photo by Ollivier Girard for Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).