Support to the Africa Group of Negotiators on climate resilience and adaptation

Support to the Africa Group of Negotiators on climate resilience and adaptation

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Country: Africa
Tags: adaptation, mitigation, climate resilience, climate negotiations

This project aimed to ensure the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN) had the capacity to engage effectively in negotiations in relation to adaptation issues.

The AGN is an alliance of African Member States. The organisation represents the region in the international climate change negotiations with a common and unified voice. The AGN often faces significant barriers to effective participation in climate change negotiations. This is in part due to a lack of strategic and technical assistance on complex negotiating issues that is tailored to the interests and priorities of Africa. As a result, it is important to enhance the ability of African countries to constructively contribute and influence the UNFCCC process, in the interest of ensuring fair and equitable climate change agreements that support Africa’s interests.

In June of 2015 the AGN, together with other developing country parties and groups, developed and put forward a proposal for a Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A) under Workstream II of the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP). The TEP-A was established in light of the Paris Agreement to strengthen resilience, reduce vulnerabilities and increase understanding and implementation of adaptation actions.  In 2017, an assessment of the TEP-A will be undertaken with the aim of improving its effectiveness.

Through this project, CDKN’s Negotiations Support aimed to ensure the AGN had the capacity to engage effectively in negotiations in relation to adaptation issues within the negotiations. The team provided technical support in assessing the outcomes of the TEP-A and supporting an analysis of the adaptation priorities, needs and actions of African countries as reflected in their Nationally Determined Contributions, and looked at how the TEP-A could address these needs.

Contract value for the period June-December 2016: £ 15,750

Supplier: Erin Roberts

Photo: Ami Vitale / World Bank