Acting together for bold outcomes, phase 3

Acting together for bold outcomes, phase 3

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Project detail:
Status: Completed

Overall project objectives

  • Provide on site technical negotiation support in line with 'acting together for bold outcomes' principles to delegates from the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries. Through providing this support the project will build the capacity of delegates to increase their voice and influence within the UNFCCC negotiations.
  • Organise 2 cross-group meetings to raise ambitions and build consensus around the 'acting together for bold outcomes' principles with 10-12 progressive parties (to include LDC, AOSIS, AGN, AILAC and EIG). Through facilitating these meeting with agreed agendas and objectives the supplier will build and strengthen high ambitions coalitions which support the 'acting together for bold outcomes' approach to create consensus and common messages on mitigation, adaptation and finance in the UNFCCC process.
  • Provide significant support to the development of the Dominican Republic’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 

Suppliers: Energeia Ltd. Partners: Mr José Alberto Garibaldi, Mr Gilberto Arias, Ms Alejandra Lopez and/or Mr. Manuel Estrada, Mr Chris Hope, Mr Rakesh Wadwha, Ms Indira Lopez-Bassols, Mr Gaetano Garibaldi CDKN funding: £100,425 Picture: US Embassy