Gender and socially inclusive climate compatible development in Ethiopia

Gender and socially inclusive climate compatible development in Ethiopia

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Project detail:
Status: Completed
Partners: CRGE
Countries: Africa, Ethiopia

Since 2019, CDKN has been working with the Ethiopian Government in implementing this project focusing on capacity building and knowledge management.


Mainstreaming gender into climate action has been a focus for Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) implementing and executing entities. Even though progress has been made, it is slow, not uniform, and fragmented. Some implementing agencies have advanced well while others remain at the initial stages. Lessons, experiences, opportunities and challenges still remain within the confines of each of these actors, without knowledge being formally transferred and used widely, resource shared, and synergies created. Assessments have identified that there is a general feeling and conviction that efficient integration of relevant gender equality issues specific to the different sectors need to be better strengthened and should capitalise on the exiting experiences to produce relevant evidence for scaling up.

Project objectives

  • Contribute to a better understanding and improved coordination of the institutional governance on the gender and climate change nexus in Ethiopia.
  • Compile comprehensive and structured knowledge products on gender and resources in the form of a resource/training pack, which can be used by Ethiopian stakeholders, including government, in the post COVID period.

Project activities

As part of this engagement, CDKN is providing technical assistance support to the CRGE facility on:

  • Conducting high level gap assessment.
  • Production of knowledge products.
  • Organising events to bring key stakeholders together.

Project outputs

The project’s key outputs are:

  • A high-level scoping report to identify the state of play in terms of the mainstreaming of gender into Ethiopia’s climate change policy, programmes, budget and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
  • A workshop report on an event organised to bring a number of government partners together to identify institutional governance opportunities in the context of gender and climate change.
  • Training material on gender equality and social inclusive climate compatible development.
  • A workshop report of the first meeting of the National Community of Practice for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Climate Change.

Partner: CRGE Facility of the Ministry of Finance
